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The Power of the Heart

This heart healthy month is full of aphrodisiacs, self love and awareness including sacred sexuality and 100’s of ways to give, share and receive love! You will find Aromatherapy to Zen Therapy and everything in between, which can be accessed on this site. You can find products by categories and individual listings! This month we honor self-love, make suggestions for a better love life and bring you heart healthy ideas to change YOUR life!

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Maintaining The Ticker

Our heart health is the most important organ we have. Every minute, your heart pumps about five quarts of blood through a system of blood vessels that’s over 60,000 miles long. That translates to about 2,000 gallons of blood every day. if these vessels are clogged with plague or have poor elasticity, they not only slow down the blood, but create a host of other issues.

Unscientific Answers to Love

The emotion of love has tried to be quantitatively defined, measured and calculated.  And with all these studies, science cannot seem to come up with the reasons why we love, fall out of love or discover our soulmate!  So we have some ideas of our own when it comes to the power and magic of love and the mystical roller coaster ride that it is!

Using the Law of Attraction

You may have heard of the law of attraction, but just what is it? What does it have to do with the way we live our lives?  Believe it or not, it is set of rules, devised by nature, the balance the energy around us!  The Law of Attraction is considered a “vibration”. What we put out there, is what comes back to us.  Are you ready to understand this basic, yet extremely powerful tool?

Find Your Celestial Match

Astrological Charting is the art of forecasting! We are proud to introduce Tonio, one of the most renowned, most incredible astrological intuitives to For over 20 years Tonio has become most-noted for his “Celestial Relationships”(tm) and finding the right astrological combination for YOU!  Are you ready for love?

Lower Your Cholesterol

Know this: cholesterol itself is not a bad thing. In fact, cholesterol is one of the many substances created and used by our bodies to keep us healthy. Cholesterol comes from two sources – our body and our diet. Our liver, makes all the cholesterol we need and circulates it through the blood. Cholesterol is an essential part of our daily diet. Learn how to keep it in balance for good health.

Treating Costochondritis

Costochondritis is an inflammation in the cartilages where the ribs join the breastbone. Since we have to take breaths in and out of our lungs, there cannot be a direct rigid attachment of the ribs to the breastbone. Instead, the ribs join the breastbone (known medically as the sternum) through flexible cartilages known as costal cartilages.

Heart Healthy Valentine’s Day Meals

It has been said “the way to a loved one’s heart is through their stomach“. This Valentine’s Day I’ve gathered some heart healthy foods to romance your loved one/s with and at the same time show them just how much you care. You can still cook well and cook smart at the same time. With just a few variations, you can create a delicious meal that looks good and tastes even better!


The Journey of Learning to Love

The Journey of Learning to Love

How do we learn to love mindfully, spiritually, and completely? Love is the most profound experiences in life. It’s universal, transcendent, and personal…

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Maui: Lahaina Banyan Tree

Maui: Lahaina Banyan Tree

On the island of Maui stood Lahaina, once the capital of Hawaii it’s now the latest victim of a horrific fire. But the oldest banyan trees in the world has survived.

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Life Lessons from Surfing

Life Lessons from Surfing

Surfing is a metaphor for life. “Surfing through life” gives the impression that everything is easy. From a lifelong surfer, the top 10 lessons the sea has given me.

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Celebrating Lammas

Celebrating Lammas

Celebrated all over the world and in different cultures including the festival of Lleu, Calan Awst (Wales), Lugudunum (Lyons), Lammas (Christians), Garlic Sunday (Ireland), Lughnasadh (Ireland, Scotland)

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Your Learning Process

Your Learning Process

The first day of school can be a scary prospect for anyone, but adult students confront special concerns and fears. Here you can understand the process of learning anything!

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