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MenoYinYang Formula

$ 110.00

This formula is decocted as a tea. Add 3 scoops of granules into 8 ounces of hot water, stir and dissolve. Allow to cool and drink one cup, 2 times a day.

It is the “herbal synergy” that seems to be the strength behind Chinese herbal medicine. These herbs have been freeze dried, ground and put into an easy-to-use container with scoop. They are packed in small quantities to preserve quality and freshness.

Utilize these wonderful formulas for treating many disorders and for healing and maintaining a balanced life. Herbal granules come in 100 grams per jar. Approximately a two week supply. Simply blend three scoops of granules into hot water to make a tea and drink. These formulations are categorized by disorders and symptoms.

These herbs are grown , manufactured and formulated in the United States under strict GMP standards and guidelines.

For symptoms or a combination of several (or all) of these symptoms including: energetic deficiency. Hot flashes, but cold hands and feet, (especially fingers and toes) nightsweats, frequent urination, which tends to look pale, flushing around the neck, when talking, slight agitation, chilliness, dry throat, dizziness, tinnitus, backache, poor memory or vivid dreams and insomnia. Tongue can be pale or red depends on predominate deficiency. Pulse feels empty or very fine and rapid. Used for BOTH an energetic as well as blood/body fluid deficiency.

This order contains (1) month supply ~ two bottles


This formula is decocted as a tea. Add 3 scoops of granules into 8 ounces of hot water, stir and dissolve. Allow to cool and drink one cup, 2 times a day.

It is the “herbal synergy” that seems to be the strength behind Chinese herbal medicine. These herbs have been freeze dried, ground and put into an easy-to-use container with scoop. They are packed in small quantities to preserve quality and freshness.

Utilize these wonderful formulas for treating many disorders and for healing and maintaining a balanced life. Herbal granules come in 100 grams per jar. Approximately a two week supply. Simply blend three scoops of granules into hot water to make a tea and drink. These formulations are categorized by disorders and symptoms.

These herbs are grown , manufactured and formulated in the United States under strict GMP standards and guidelines.

Herbs are the medicinals in holistic medicine. Chinese herbs are specifically used to create decoctions or teas and are a very powerful part of healing dis-ease.

Chinese herbal medicine uses several hundred substances, mostly of plant origin (roots, seeds, flowers, twigs, crystals, bones and barks). These are hardly ever prescribed singly. They are combined into a formula, which usually contains between 8 and 12 ingredients. It is the “herbal synergy” that seems to be the strength behind Chinese herbal formulas. The exact combination is adjusted to suit the patient’s individual condition, and is likely to be altered as the treatment progresses to take account of changes that have occurred. It is therefore a very flexible system, which can be closely developed to the needs of the patient.

Adverse reactions to herbs are extremely rare and are negligible when compared to those commonly produced by pharmaceutical drugs.

MenoYinYang Formula

For symptoms or a combination of several (or all) of these symptoms including: energetic deficiency. Hot flashes, but cold hands and feet, (especially fingers and toes) nightsweats, frequent urination, which tends to look pale, flushing around the neck, when talking, slight agitation, chilliness, dry throat, dizziness, tinnitus, backache, poor memory or vivid dreams and insomnia. Tongue can be pale or red depends on predominate deficiency. Pulse feels empty or very fine and rapid. Used for BOTH an energetic as well as blood/body fluid deficiency.

This order contains (1) month supply ~ two bottles

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