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Nine Sacred Woods Incense Cones

$ 4.95

~ The Nine Sacred Woods are the first nine trees in The Ogham (commonly pronounced Oh-m) or Celtic Tree Alphabet and Calendar. This early Medieval alphabet, used primarily to transcribe the early Irish language, represents a sacred tree and are the only written form left by the Druids.

These naturally scented incense are accentuated with my Angel’s Mist Essential Oils of cedarwood and pine needle.

~ These heavenly cone incense are richly scented, hand rolled cones, which are a great clearing, meditation tool for home, altar, meditation space, sacred place or travel.

A beautiful “scentful” collection of 20 incense cones with metal burner disk.

Each incense cone is embellished with Birch, Rowan, Ash, Alder, Willow, Hawthorn, Oak, Holly,and Hazel.


~ The Nine Sacred Woods are the first nine trees in The Ogham (commonly pronounced Oh-m) or Celtic Tree Alphabet and Calendar. This early Medieval alphabet, used primarily to transcribe the early Irish language, represents a sacred tree and are the only written form left by the Druids.

~ These nine sacred woods are incorporated into ritual fires or a Need Fire, especially at Beltane (May Day), Spring Equinox, Fall (Autumn Equinox), Samhain (Start of the new Wheel of the Year) or Yule (Winter Solstice). The lighting of a fire is symbolic of light shortening or days lengthening. The lighting of bonfires (and these incense) are a ritual done in order to sanctify, purify and cleanse the body and soul of old habits and negativity at the start of a new season! This symbolic gesture (and votives) work great on any altar, sacred space, meditation place or any room you wish to imbue with positive, natural energy!

Each incense cone is embellished with:

~ Birch: the Goddess energy, change, new beginnings, transitions and purification
~ Rowan: Lady of the Mountain, female connection, protection, casting, charms, wands, dowsing
~ Ash: insight, divination, spiritual justice, balance, sun and fire, Queen of the forest
~ Alder: offerings, mysterious of nature, gods, fairies, male and female energy
~ Willow: death, mourning, transitions, spiritual guides, understanding and protection
~ Hawthorn: protection, love, health, prosperity, fertility, purification, inner journeys,
~ Oak: sun, leader, power, doorway, great protector, male energy, King of the forest
~ Holly: protection, prophesy, healing, invulnerability, watchfulness, good luck, death, rebirth
~ Hazel: prosperity, wisdom, dowsing, dreams, wisdom-knowledge, reconciliation, intelligence and wrath

~ These naturally scented incense are accentuated with my Angel’s Mist Essential Oils of cedarwood and pine needle.

~ These heavenly cone incense are richly scented, hand rolled cones, which are a great clearing, meditation tool for home, altar, meditation space, sacred place or travel.

~ 20 highly scented cones

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