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To Commune with Angels

$ 9.99

Guardians and messengers…

… from the higher realm, Angel’s main purpose are protection, guidance, bringing peace on earth and appearing at turning points in our lives. When someone needs true direction and support, angels can bring comfort and life affirming hope.

Angels have undergone many transitions and have appeared in many forms from winged guardian, mysterious stranger, benevolent animal to angelic guide and protector. Coming to us through dreams, in person, on a breeze or even through a strain of music, angels find a way to appear, where they are needed most.

~ “I call on angels, when in need ~ to offer up a hand, indeed ~ to bring about a change that’s right ~ or bring me comfort and great light…” Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac

I have crafted this ebook with some of the most powerful and insightful manifestations of angels in our lives. I have created pages of helpful signs, symbols, and tools we can use to bring angels closer to us. Tools to use when manifesting our hopes and dreams, for calling on angels when in need, and some individual methods to make us more aware of their on-going presence.


Guardians and messengers…

… from the higher realm, Angel’s main purpose are protection, guidance, bringing peace on earth and appearing at turning points in our lives. When someone needs true direction and support, angels can bring comfort and life affirming hope.

Angels have undergone many transitions and have appeared in many forms from winged guardian, mysterious stranger, benevolent animal to angelic guide and protector. Coming to us through dreams, in person, on a breeze or even through a strain of music, angels find a way to appear, where they are needed most.

~ “I call on angels, when in need ~ to offer up a hand, indeed ~ to bring about a change that’s right ~ or bring me comfort and great light…” Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac

I have crafted this ebook with some of the most powerful and insightful manifestations of angels in our lives. I have created pages of helpful signs, symbols, and tools we can use to bring angels closer to us. Tools to use when manifesting our hopes and dreams, for calling on angels when in need, and some individual methods to make us more aware of their on-going presence.

Take a look:

The hierachy of angels
How to bring angels into your life
How to connect with your angel
Angelic healing signs
Learning when angels are near
The angel rays and respective color
Archangel distance healing
Seven Archangel crystal net grids
Etheric cord cutting
White light protector
Angel energy stream
Angel therapy: Release old patterns
Angel therapy: heal emotional wounds
Angel therapy: purity cleansing
Angel therapy: love healing
Angel therapy: light energy replacing
Angel therapy: living our journey
Angel therapy: charts for Angelic crystal readings
Angel therapy: interpretations

This ebook is filled with useful information you will refer back to again and again. It offers a practical and insightful guide to communing with angels in our lives.

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